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Friday, April 18, 2014

Eat and dont get fat !!

What if i tell you a way to eat and dont get fat??

You might thing im joking but im not :) Seriously there is a way and it is called SALAD!! In other words grass or green..

Salad is an effective way to diet due to the fact that lettuce is a fibrous carbohydrate. Fibrous carbs are foods such as leafy green vegetables like lettuce and broccoli that are filling, but don’t contain many calories. These are vastly different than starchy carbohydrates. Starchy carbs are foods like potatoes, rice, and breads that are much higher in calories. Since salad’s main ingredient is a low calorie, yet filling food…it is the perfect diet food.  

Also Salad is the cheaper meal :) It needs a little time to clean the veggies but thats all.

 I know most of you now think of this

Not the green one im gonna puke!!
But there are many ways to make your salad very tasty and even tastier than

junk foods. What i do is add lemon,chicken,tuna,eggs or nuts :) I sometimes add balsamiko vinegar (βαλσαμικο ξυδι) a thing that really makes the differance in the taste.

Here are some of my many creations in order to give you some ideas :) I eat them usually at night but thats an issue we will discuss another time..

Lettuce with tommatoe,carrot,green pepper and corn

Green salat with lettuce nuts and dried bread

Green salad with tuna,corn and dried bread

 Please feel free to comment your opinions about salad below!!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanna thank you for sharing your information and your site or blog article nice that I’ve ever seen i like it i learn something today. I have also found something related information The Fat Loss Factor. Hope you like it.
